Sub topics:
1. Kissing
2. Greeting
3. Eating
Target Audiences: Advanced EFL learners in undergraduate course
Number of students: 15 EFL students from Vietnam
Students’ objectives: By the end of the lesson , students should be able to
- conduct research on the internet about cross culture communication.
- understand the differences in cultures of many countries.
- Behave well when communicating with foreigners
Overview: Webquest for cultural communication
1. Warm up: Memory testing ( power point)
- Look at some pictures about the USA.
- Write all the things you remember on board.
- Stop writing when the music ends.
- 10 points for a correct word.
2. Introduction:
What you know is just you can see but with cultures you cannot. Cultures are diversity and deep inside so if you want to get along well with foreigners you have to know more about the differences in cultures to avoid culture shock
3. Task:
• Research: You will be researching information about Cross-cultural communication( kissing, greeting, eating) from websites.
• Telling: You will be telling the class what you learned in a creative and interesting presentation
• Journalistic: You will reflect and write about what you learned and how you feel about different cultures then post on our class blog.
4. Process:
Group 1: Kissing
Learning Objectives: Students will know when and how people among countries kiss each other.
Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to identify and make a kiss in the right way when communicating with foreigners
Instructional Strategies:
Teacher will use Power point to show the requirement and give students some links for students to research information in the internet.
Some main information to be concerned:
1. When kissing hand, eye, ear, forehead
2. Why in Roman times, the Romans wanted to taste their wives’ lips
3. Which cheek French people kiss on each time they meet and leave.
4. Pictures of some kissing types
Students will work in group to search the information, then present what they found out in a creative and interesting way. After the presentation, students in group 1 will write a refection and post on the class blog.
Assessment Plan: Teacher will use hot potatoes to create a quiz to evaluate the outcomes
- time limitation for each answer is 20 seconds.
- A correct answer will be worth 10 points
Teacher will use rubric to evaluate the presentation and refection
Group 2: Greeting
Learning Objectives: Students will know the differences in the way of greeting among countries
Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to greet politely when meeting foreigners
Instructional Strategies:
Teacher will use Power point to show the requirement and give students some links for students to research information in the internet.
Some main information to be concerned:
1. How people in western, Asia or Africa greet ( American, France, .....)
2. Pictures of people greeting in different countries.
Students will work in group to search the information, then present what they found out in a creative and interesting way. After the presentation, students in group 1 will write a refection and post on the class blog.
Assessment Plan: Teacher will use windows movies maker to create a quiz to evaluate the outcomes.
- 10 points for a correct answer
Teacher will use rubric to evaluate the presentation and refection
Group 3: Eating
Learning Objectives: Students will know what and how people among countries eat.
Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to have a good way of eating when eating out with foreigners
Instructional Strategies:
Teacher will use Power point to show the requirement and give students some links for students to research information in the internet.
Some main information to be concerned:
1. What tool / equipment do American or British people use when eating?
2. What kind of food do American and British people have? Do they like spicy food?
3. Pictures of some common food in America and Britain.
Students will work in group to search the information, then present what they found out in a creative and interesting way. After the presentation, students in group 3 will write a refection and post on the class blog.
Assessment Plan: Teacher will use Violet to create a crossword to evaluate the outcomes.
- 10 points for the correct horizontal answer
- 30 points for the vertical crosswords
Teacher will use rubric to evaluate the presentation and refection
5. Evaluation:
- Rubric for presentation:
- Rubric for reflection:
We have so many cultures in our world which make up all the beautiful and exciting things we can enjoy and appreciate from one another. We are all special in God's eyes and we are unique in our own way. We are special so we won't compare ourselves to other races. We are different for a reason in looks, hair type, colors, forms, talents and beyond so we can enjoy each other without thinking one is better than the other. We can learn so much from other cultures if we would just think outside of the box.
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